Ethna offers treatments from fertility to birth and post-partum. These treatments are tailor made for each woman depending on her individual needs and for obvious reasons each case cannot be covered in depth here.

Most pregnant women like to have regular treatments during each trimester and report many improvements in symptoms such as lymphedema (swollen ankles, hands/fingers) and constipation etc. Reflexology is used to help regulate the lymph system and aid with sluggish bowels etc

The list is extensive so contact Ethna if you have any specific enquiries.

Many women just come for Reflexology when they are closer to their due date and are aware about Reflexology as a tool they might use if wishing to avoid induction or interventions during labour as they have read or discussed research with their midwives and friends/family.

See interesting reading,  links below

Women also report shorter labours and lower pain levels. See links below


Can Reflexology Induce Labour?


See also Medical Reiki page